Avoiding Identity Theft- Shredding Sensitive Documents And Data




Phoenix, Arizona, is home to over one million residents and thousands of businesses. No matter where you live or work, the threat of identity theft is always a concern for anyone with sensitive documents. Taking preventative measures to protect yourself from falling victim to fraud is essential. One of the best ways Phoenix residents and businesses can protect themselves is by properly destroying sensitive documents. Not only does shredding destroy information that could be used to access your accounts, but it also prevents criminals from using personal information to open new accounts or lines of credit in your name. Shredding documents also protect companies from data breaches and keep sensitive information from the wrong hands.


In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of document shredding for Phoenix residents and businesses. We’ll look at the different types of sensitive documents that should be shredded, how to choose a reputable shredding service, and what to expect when using a shredding service. By the end of this post, you’ll have all the information you need to keep your documents and identity secure.

Why Should You Destroy Important Documents?

Destroying important documents is just as important as keeping them secure. Sensitive information such as bank statements, bills, tax returns, and credit card applications should all be disposed of properly. If these documents are not shredded or destroyed beyond recognition, they can fall into the wrong hands and put your personal information at risk. Criminals can use the personal data in these documents to open new accounts or lines of credit in your name, which can devastate your finances and credit score. You should also be aware that paper documents are not the only form of sensitive data; electronic records such as emails, messages, and images should all be destroyed securely.

What Are Some Examples Of Sensitive Documents You Should Destroy?

When protecting yourself from identity theft, certain documents should be permanently destroyed. Examples of sensitive documents that you should shred or destroy beyond recognition include bank statements, bills, tax returns, and credit card applications. It would be best to dispose of expired credit cards and checkbooks. Any document that contains personal information such as your name, address, Social Security number, or bank account information should be treated as sensitive and securely destroyed.

What About Hard Drives?

In addition to paper documents, you should also be aware that hard drives and other forms of digital storage can contain sensitive information. Before disposing of a computer or external drive, it must ensure all the data has been erased. You should use a secure hard-drive destruction service offered by companies like Assured Document Destruction Phoenix to delete the files from your hard drive permanently. Hence, there’s no chance of them being recovered. It ensures your personal information remains secure and out of the wrong hands.

OK, So What’s Next?

Now that you know the importance of document shredding and what type of documents should be destroyed, it’s time to start protecting your personal information. Consider using a secure document destruction service such as Assured Document Destruction Phoenix to destroy sensitive documents beyond recognition.  This service will give you peace of mind that your personal information is secure and out of the wrong hands.

Protect Your Identity With Assured Document Destruction Phoenix

At Assured Document Destruction Phoenix, we offer various secure document destruction services, including one-time and scheduled shredding. Our one-time Shredding service is ideal for businesses that need to quickly and securely dispose of sensitive documents without the hassle. We also provide scheduled shredding for businesses that need regular document destruction services. No matter which service you choose, rest assured that your personal information is safe with Assured Document Destruction Phoenix. Contact us today for more information about our document shredding and hard drive destruction services.


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